Phil Sullivan
7th January 2021

We knew we'd made the right decision

After deciding to get our muddled bathroom re-worked by NBK after reading lots of other positive reviews, we felt confident they would do a good job. From day 1 of meeting James and hearing his ideas and suggestions, we knew we'd made the right decision. There were so many team members who were involved and were excellent throughout, giving excellent suggestions and ideas. The process you go through is all laid out and there to help you make the right choices at the right points. It's very easy to just hand the project over to someone else, and then not get quite what you wanted. With NBK, you have full control at all times - whilst getting the professional experience, knowledge and advice of those who have done it all before, many times. Our fitter, Dan, was excellent - both in terms of his work and being flexible around us and also asking and discussing certain elements at different times, we couldn't have had a better fitter. You get excellent value in having this control over the process and design, knowing the end result will be a quality product. We'd really recommend NBK for a quality experience and finish. Thank you!